Journey of becoming a chef

Learn to cook

By Kanchan Gupta
Hello folks, i am Kanchan Gupta, i have lot of hobbies like art, dress designing, gardening, painting, crochet, baking, last but not the least cooking especially for my family. By profession i am a teacher and i love doing experiments, creative and innovative things hence, i think i should have knowledge of every field of work. First thing i cook by my self  was a beverage (Tea) at the age of 10 for my father. At the age of 11 i made curry of pointed gourd's seeds with my cousins (a memory which i never forget) people generally throw the seeds of pointed gourd so i thought i should make something of these seeds. That time at that age that was a different dish by me with my cousins and my grandmother appreciated me a lot, later on i often made this dish.

 Lets talk about learning , In this place we do not have any teacher who teach us who correct us but yes we learn by our self, we learn by looking and observing at the people around us. A self learner learn many things in his life because of the experiments which he do and the experience which he obtain while learning. Like wise, i also obtained my cooking skills.

 Baking is one of my favorite thing. I learnt it from my aunt, she is a wonderful cook,i learnt a lot from her. Initially (age of 10 to 16) i worked with her, i just used to watch her work, understand her way of working, helped her. I still remember very well, one day she greased a cake mould with butter and flour for baking a cake and for that i was helping her, suddenly i looked that mould and i started drawing on the mould with my fingers and what happen then, o god..... She came and started shouting at me so much and the funniest part was that she was baking that cake for my birthday. That day i understood one thing very clearly that how much a greased cake mould is important for a baker hahahaha, even today i don't forget to grease the cake mould and whenever i grease the cake mould i remember that day once, later on i started making many dishes.

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